Ruin 79 m2 in old village
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
€ 80.000ID E7XB
79 m2
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
€ 80.000ID E7XB
79 m2
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
550 m2
1.500 m2
Cavtat area, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
143 m2
447 m2
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
200 m2
180 m2
3 soba
3 kupaonice
Old town, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
220 m2
200 m2
5+ soba
3 kupaonice
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
90 m2
2 soba
1.5 kupaonice
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
350 m2
600 m2
5+ soba
4 kupaonice
Cavtat area, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
477 m2
3280 m2
5+ soba
5 kupaonice
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
200 m2
300 m2
3 soba
4 kupaonice
Peninsula Peljesac, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
90 m2
50 m2
2 soba
1 kupaonice
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