Two bedroom house close to Ston, Peninsula Peljesac
Peninsula Peljesac, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
€ 350.000ID XMXP
90 m2
50 m2
2 rooms
1 bathrooms
Peninsula Peljesac, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
€ 350.000ID XMXP
90 m2
50 m2
2 rooms
1 bathrooms
Fully furnished and equipped house is located near Ston on Peljesac peninsula. It is spread over three floors and consists of a living room, kitchen with dining area, two bedrooms, bathroom and large covered terrace. The house has a small garden, distance from the beach is 200 m.
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The Pelješac peninsula is halfway between two Adriatic pearls, Split and Dubrovnik. The second-largest peninsula in Dalmatia enjoys a splendid Mediterranean climate, which has made it the ideal site for vineyards and wine making. Pelješac is famous also for its salt pans, which many depended on for centuries, including Dubrovnik and its celebrated Republic. The ancient defensive rampart completes a trilogy of Pelješac symbols. The natives like to call their peninsula 'true nature.'
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
550 m2
1.500 m2
Cavtat area, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
143 m2
447 m2
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
200 m2
180 m2
3 soba
3 kupaonice
Old town, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
220 m2
200 m2
5+ soba
3 kupaonice
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
90 m2
2 soba
1.5 kupaonice
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
350 m2
600 m2
5+ soba
4 kupaonice
Cavtat area, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
477 m2
3280 m2
5+ soba
5 kupaonice
Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Region, Croatia
200 m2
300 m2
3 soba
4 kupaonice
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